Open Letter to the President of the Republic Macky Sall, President of the Alliance for the Republic (By Harouna Demba Seck) – Senegalese Life


Address of an activist to his mentor

Mr. President,

I am writing these lines in public because I have not had the opportunity, despite all attempts, to tell you in private

Let me first congratulate you for all that you have undertaken for Senegal during these six years of power management.

From 2008 to 2012, the social climate of the country was very tense and we vehemently fought the untimely power cuts, denounced the gabegic management of public goods, the dearness of staple goods whose prices were constantly increasing, the lack of employment of young people, the famous project of monarchical devolution of power, etc.

In our day much effort has been given and this arduous struggle of the population has become an old memory. The rural world is well emerging with the connection of the villages of Diéri and Walo in electricity. Barga, my home village in the Matam department, is an example. The construction of boreholes and production tracks has made it possible to open up these villages. Some families benefit from family grants even if it is not enough.

However we could not make Matam the granier of Senegal in the matter of food self-sufficiency.

At the council of ministers decentralized in Matam Speaking on behalf of the youth of the commune of Dabia, I reminded you on this occasion, His Excellency, that it was enough to arrange the land and master the water so that Matam alone constitutes the breadbasket of Senegal in

With the green Casamance and the potentialities of Sine and Saloum, we can achieve food self-sufficiency as well as for all the products we consume. I strongly believe in it but efforts in this direction are not made. We have massively adhered to and reproduced your slogan of "consume what we produce and produce what we consume", but the external market continues to affect our local products.

The Community Agricultural Domains of Matam are launched since two years and until our days they are struggling to be realized. Not even 10 m2 built for what should employ thousands of young people in the region.

The universal health coverage is not felt for lack of communication, the youth is disoriented and unemployment increases because of the lack of resources of the few decentralized agencies

The construction of the NDioum-Ourossogui-Bakel road was appreciated and well received by the population except that it is carried out with a chameleon step and certainly the delay of "18 months only", will not be respected. 19659004] Our resources, our laterite are exploited without investment return on the populations. The inhabitants of this northern zone have yet to wait two or a year and a half to take these sections. Accelerating this work would be good for us and for you who promised it.

President of the Alliance for the Republic, our party is in tatters and its future is bleak. To prove this, let us begin with a simple assumption.

The majority of the political leaders of Matam's department are not apes, but rather Mackysts. The so-called politicians are "business man" therefore in search of profit. They are becoming richer and the populations are becoming poorer. Which means that after your two inch'Allah mandates, they will leave the party leaving behind idle and disoriented militants or turn them into blessings yes yes or sheep of panurges at the mercy of the money crumbs wrongly distributed and through

Consequence: your emotional base will remain hungry!

Instead of vertical structuring you preferred the horizontal one. It's hard to know who's who and who's doing what. We have become a Mexican army at the mercy of mobilizations and massive votes. Where did the famous committees once settled in the nooks and crannies of the country between 2008 and 2012? What has become of the Operational Vigilance Units (UVO) that served us to monitor and secure the elections in 2012? What has become of the animators and commissioners of these committees and UVO? What is the role of the party school if it still exists? Where are the dignity and the SOLIDARITY so much sung in the party? I give my tongue to the cat

Still on this political aspect I see the great maneuver of the promotion of the transhumants to the detriment of the valiant first militants of the APR. I think of those courageous men and women who had all left to support your candidacy since Dekkal Ngor. Young people and students have been beaten, tied up and even imprisoned (this is my case) because of their commitment behind you. If a merit award exists in politics, these people should be rewarded. But what is frustrating and annoying in all this is that they are pushed aside, isolated and worse crushed in favor of yesterday's adversaries. I admit that the subtraction operation does not exist in politics, that it is necessary to accumulate the voices, better, to multiply them, but if it is necessary to add to remove those who were there we risk to perish. Car + 1- 2 = -1. The Wade regime that you master well will not say the opposite.

At the time politicians in decline, nostalgic for power, hungry and looking for brown meadows are dubbed, politicians worthy, determined, faithful and loyal are hitherto left stranded. Attention to the return of the stick !!!

For this first public correspondence, I reserve the right to name the transhumants promoted who had the insult and arrogance to the mouth, those who argued that Macky would never be president. I am convinced that it is not those who will defend your good fortune, let alone win the election. They do not know the basics of your political project but also and especially do not master the ideals of the party. They came for their own interest and not the citizens. I say it and assume it.

Mr. President

On the eve of the 2012 elections some of us have dubbed you the "Obama" of Africa because of the campaign strategy that you initiated in the image of that of the former President of the USA. It was not about the organization of the political meetings because you said that "they were not efficient and we were wasting money". We had thus adopted the policy of proximity and listening to the pulse of the citizen lamda. We still keep the notes of this training in local politics and approach of populations. Yes it was effective !!! But what I see is the return of the rallies with mobilization buses which does not allow us to really know the electoral potential that we have.

It reminds me exactly of the twilight of Wade's regime. He was heavily mistaken by the strong mobilizations at the stroke of 5000frs per youth. The result we know … The awakening was brutal. I do not wish it for you.

That's why I took the initiative to sound the alarm because I think I'm in a good position to say loudly what all are thinking about well-being of a dear party that we have seen born.

I will return Inch'Alah in the next open letter of the failure of the party structures, the shyness of the COJER to the disorientation of a student movement and Strong Republican Students (MEER), from the inertia of the republican teacher network to the deserted Convergence of Republican Executives (CCR), from the failure of the Women's Movement to the inexistence of the network of Sages etc.

Mr. President, I end with this quotation that you have taught us and which still resonates with our minds "I remain convinced that political commitment may well accommodate ethics, loyalty and morality. Add to paraphrase that those who will want us to deny our dignity, we will tell them no with the cross-over of ethics and values.

Building a new Senegal is our project.

Truth is our Fatherland.

Best regards

Harouna Demba Seck

[email protected]

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