Opposition March: Leaders Satisfied with Mobilization


Dakar, July 13 (APS) – Senegalese opposition leaders said Friday they were satisfied with the mobilization recorded during their march organized on the same day to denounce "selective justice" and water shortages. among other claims.

On the initiative of the Democratic and Social Front of National Resistance (FDSRN), this party began the place of the nation (former Obelisk Square) to end at the roundabout of the Senegalese Radio and Television (RTS,

It was led by various leaders of the so-called significant opposition but also support movements to Karim Wade and Khalifa Sall, sentenced to 6 and 5 years in prison respectively, for illicit enrichment and fraud at public expense.

But according to the opposition, through these decisions of justice, the power in place seeks above all to dismiss these two political personalities from the next presidential election scheduled for February 2019.

Also the parties concerned and their militants have- they march to denounce a "selective justice" which would only target the opponents of the current regime whose governance they have more generally decried.

They also denounced occasional water supply problems noted in recent weeks in Dakar and parts of the interior of Senegal.

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