Opposition Must Break Wades and Be Responsible


Opposition criticism for not being a partisan of dialogue, President Macky Sall has continued every time the opportunity arose (condolence ceremony, international seminars etc.) respond to their request. When a request is successful, the plaintiff must show objectivity, lucidity, serenity and less blackmail so that discussion can be initiated on the subject of the dispute.

Why refuse the dialogue … the salvation of the country is worth the candle

The political class that says itself significant does not seem to understand the paradigms around which any dialogue must be structured, it does not understand also that the state does not must dilute his sovereignty to the vagaries of unarmed opponents by an old opponent, former president who does not forgive that his project of devolution monarchic can not to end. It is time for the opposition that claims to be significant to cease to be annexed to the thought system and the mood of old Wade at the twilight of his political career.

Abdoulaye Wade who has saturated all his strategies of blocking the functioning of the state, now intends to act on the weakness of spirit and character of opponents more followers than free of thought.

The democratic dialogue is a mode of action to which the president Macky SALL tries to satisfy to make Senegal's image more prominent in terms of political governance; the crazy and excessive pretensions of a certain political class seem to be the grain of sand that renders the "couscous" indigestible and even incomestible; the Senegalese lambda takes note.

Surprising stumbling blocks.

The points of contention having as a center of gravity the sponsorship, the oil and the gas should be points of convergence because the first aims a discipline and a efficiency of the system of conquest of the power because avoiding and evicting the fanciful candidatures that the last legislative objects of all the setbacks and errors revealed. The conquest of power must not be a competition where everyone must take part, but rather a test to which invite only those who have a minimum of legitimacy and representativeness, and the number of 52 000 sponsors seems to me the barometer objective of legitimacy for any claimant to power.

The rather high financial security recommended by some Senegalese disgusted by fanciful and fanciful candidacies, risk making our electoral system census, while the power should not be a privilege only reserved Money sponsorship is a criterion for selection of participation that does not display a priori because it allows to know for any applicant the degree of esteem of voters vis-à-vis his political project and his political personality . Sponsorship also allows the day after the elections to determine in the most objective and reasonable way the leader of the opposition. The so-called "significant" opposition sees everywhere the devil because his cantor (father Wade and his party) refuses to believe that the political game can take place without Karim whose litigation of which he is the main cause the

All parties opposed to sponsorship failed to do the necessary propaganda and grassroots mobilization; political programs are lacking, and political leaders only summarize political action at election (legislative, territorial or presidential). Basically, there is no political animation, the activist is the party's concern only during the times when their votes are wanted. It's unfortunate that the elections must be streamlined to stop being an exercise of political actors trivializing our democratic system and even homelessness; our neighbors in Africa do not do that, and the democratic systems of Europe and America offer more model and appreciated clichés to the point where they are mentioned whenever it is a question of citing a democratic model of reference . The PDS is stubborn in the denial (wax and waxet), once a supporter of sponsorship it shows a different attitude today and the reasons advanced do not resist the analysis but are rather a certain childish chilliness whose door is the pope of the SOPI who can not conceive of elections where Karim is not starting.

Thanks WADE president must understand and admit that Karim is not "the alpha and the omega" of our political life and the presidential function is not the only destination of WADE son who can be useful to his country in other skies.

Oil and gas far to augur the promising tomorrows and roses for the countries, are source of supposed curses theorized by a political class which refuses to positiver believing that the lack of measure and political restraint which animates its actors, will be borrowed by the Senegalese whose sense of the dialogu e, peace and national cohesion transcend the flat and narrow selfishness of some nihilists who adhere to misguided catastrophism. I do not personally believe in the curse of oil and gas, and the countries where they caused tragic situations the notion of nation suffered the setbacks of ethnic or religious contradictions .The ruling ethnic group has become a dominant pole pushing away the losing minorities and confining them to the periphery of the power and wealth that these two resources have created.

When oil and gas are signs of emergence, the citizen burst dictates that the exploitation and management is a range of convergence between political actors and a factor of social cohesion which consolidates the nation state; the countries where these two riches are sources of tension and social rift, shelter regimes where the promotion criteria far from competence and merit, are rather based on ethnic or partisan considerations.

Senegal, touch wood is far from this specter, and the nation that unites us transcends the brotherhood, religions and ethnicity; every citizen is willing to sacrifice his ego or the interest of his group to serve the national cause. This national tranquility can not be disturbed by presuppositions presupposable in conflict with the law and paying the penalty for their fault. The courts judged and the opinion condemned; in the name of the most natural equity, the penalties are proportionate to the fault committed by Karim and Khalifa. It would be a pity for presidential candidates to be financial criminals who are not concerned about the damage that their crime causes in the country.

An opposition that refuses to be free

The positions of a certain part of the opposition denotes a certain lack of independence; she must refuse to follow the PDS that takes Wade father for what he is not, that is to say, a providential man who on the fringes of all these issues, chooses to scuttle what is positive in this country in the absence of Karim. I warn this "so-called significant" opposition to avoid the trap set by Ndamal Kadior in the parliamentary elections of the first alternation; the boycott of Niasse, Tanor and others still remains through the throat because the empty chair is not the best method in politics. Idy and his spiritual father Wade have this common denominator to scuttle any political competition where they do not go favorites, the game of yoyo once blamed on the late Djibo Ka becomes the prerogative of this former prime minister accused of financial malfeasance by his former president.

Abdou Diouf, Habib Thiam, Niass, Adjibou Soumar, Souleymane Ndene, Abdoul Mbaye.Macky, Mame Madior and Mimi have never been cited in financial scandals. The Reubeuss protocol is enough for Senegalese and the confessions of its actors are all facts that dissuade the leaders of the opposition to be towed by a duo as fluctuating as the dollar.

Ousmane Sonko, one of the leaders who has the most political career, lucid and moderate must stand out from these political mercenaries closer to the decline and the esteem that Senegalese him do not have to be tainted by this rapprochement with people in loss of credibility and who change their minds. depending on their interests

I appreciated the attitude of Professor Issa Sall's PUR, who took his freedom from his so-called leaders of major parties, never In this movement of the "yobalema", the latter quickly freed himself from the diktat of a former president who lost all lucidity and spirit of discernment and of this former prime minister with vrotiques with money and power do not support being the citizen of his former party comrade forgetting that it is God who gives power and he removes it from whom He will; pity that "mara" reads the Koran, evokes it, but without making a guide in its daily actions.

The Front of Defense of the Republic is only an instrument in the service of Abdoulaye Wade to succeed this that he could not with his own party, and no longer in his ranks the kamikazes to carry the political fight. This framework composed essentially of elements that owe him their title of deputy (for some) and having saturated all their opportunities to gain something in politics find in Wade the political guardian whose intentions and caprices must be satiated at the cost of a possible ransom.

Rejecting the Karim Myth

Unrepresentative Maoist laborers, leagued to unsophisticated economists, enliven the front with former liberals who lost positions and privileges because of Karim. Men to whom Abdoulaye Wade did the heaviest damage for the sole purpose of propelling the young Karim to a station that the charts did not explain at all, men whom the pope of Sopi has accused of sacrificing albinos, walk to thanks to the fantasies and delusions of this old loser who does not seem to ignore the famous maxim of Chateaubriand "the glory for an old man is like the ornaments for an old lady, she parent but do not embellish it" [19659006] Politicians rejecting generational alternation persist in believing the advent of races of politicians capable of the most daring breaks illustrated by policies that serve the interests of the people.

Karim's participation in presidential elections seems hypothetical in light of the statement by the Director of Training and Communication of the Chief Electoral Officer, which it was to Pope Samba Mboup in front of those who harbored the dream of having Wade son as a candidate.

A big equation then arises at the PDS because the pope of the SOPI has never accepted any alternative other than his son who has always was absent from the big fights of the liberals. The liberals must learn to say no to their general secretary and remind them that Karim is neither indispensable nor the sole competence of the PDS. Wade son is the cause of all the troubles of the blues and his father seems to forget that in politics the presidential station must be a personal conquest and not the work of the father. PDS militants must refuse to use the rest of their forces in a fight lost in advance and they also refuse to sacrifice themselves for fights whose motive is in Great Quatar epicurean.

Ibrahima KA, Yoff Mbenguéne Activist APR

Deputy Administrator of the Meeting

of Actors and Movements for Emergence (RAMP)

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