Our predictions for France – Croatia: the balance tilts to one side – 2018 World Cup – Football


WORLD CUP – The big day has arrived. This Sunday, in the final of the World Cup (17h), the France team faces Croatia for a new world title. So, the Blues have a chance to hang this second star? The writing of Eurosport.fr is likely to the prognoses. And a majority stands out clearly enough.

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Martin Mosnier: Victory of France (2-0)

I do not see how this final can escape the Blues. The course, the rise in power, the individual talent, the physical freshness: they have some trains ahead of the Croats. The band at Modric has shone in pools but has rowed since the 8th finals when France took flight. The risk ? Overconfidence, of course.

But Portugal and the disillusionment of 2016 have been there. Eight of the eleven holders of Moscow lived the hell of the Stade de France. They will not fall into the trap a second time. The frankness with which Paul Pogba acknowledged his wrongs of 2016 lets hope for the best for this generation. This team from France has released a collective force for weeks, guided by a goal that emerged very early. I do not see her collapse while he offers herself to her.

Video – Two years ago, Mbappé and the French team put Croatia on the ground


Maxime Dupuis: Victory of France (2-0)

Since the end of the first round, Croatia has played three extra times and two penalty shoot-outs, the equivalent of one more game than the Blues. If fatigue will be an important factor in the final, I'm not sure that this is what will tip the duel between the French and the Croats, even if the Blues would be well inspired to press the accelerator quickly.

Be that as it may, the French team is gaining strength and coming to the final with XXL confidence. With Argentina, Uruguay and Belgium, the selection was able to get away from traps with different faces. Her adaptability, as well as her application, made her the favorite of the finals. If the Blues play at the level that was theirs in the quarter and especially in the half, they will have their star at hand.

Video – "This is the tactical move of Deschamps that allows France to be in the final"


Laurent Vergne: Victory of France (2-1) [19659003] Two weeks ago, just before the start of the round of 16, many, at the prospect of a France-Croatia final, would probably have given Croatia an advantage and even a fairly clear advantage. I would have been two of them. But the knockout matches reveal the real faces of everyone and change the game. I found the Croats quite helpless and even off topic for an hour against the English.

If the France team manages to open the scoring, I can hardly believe that it makes the same mistake as the Southgate Three Lions, guilty of decreasing intensity when there was room to kill the game. There will be the key. The Blues have been gaining momentum for four years, from the quarterfinals of the Maracana to the final of Euro 2016. It must be their time. A new defeat at the doors of the title would be pretty bad for this group. Croatia has heart. But are there any legs left?

Video – Guérin: "With the final, the Croats will forget their physical fatigue"


Cyril Morin: Victory of the French team (2-0)

History makes them an eye. The dance of seduction began last June and a month later, the Blues are about to succumb to his advances. Only the last waltz remains. Always the most complicated to manage. Yet, these Blues are ready. The dance steps are broken in and stumble on the last step does not look like them. Do not look like them anymore. Yes, many reproach the French press and journalists for celebrating the victory too soon. It would be a mistake, of course, so much the Croats will sell their skin dearly. But, to listen to these Blues in loop for a month, they are invested with a sacred mission that they do not intend to spoil, contrary to Euro 2016.

These Blues, without really knowing their DNA, know who they are. And where they go. It's impossible to imagine them presumptuous with regard to their speeches for a month now. From a technical point of view, the Tricolores are superior. From a physical point of view, French roosters are better than miraculously Croats who have, in a way, already won their World Cup. From a tactical point of view, they have always been able to adapt and subdue opposing attempts at revolt. I can see a match with the scenario similar to that of Uruguay: no flashes but seriousness and realism. It does not have the romanticism of a tango but it has the effectiveness of a slow pest.

Video – If France goes to the end, some Blues can claim the Golden Ball


Vincent Brégevin: Victory of Croatia (1-1 ap, 5-4 tab )

There are many reasons to see France as a favorite. It will be cooler at kickoff. She certainly has more individualities than Croatia. And from a tactical point of view, it can not only neutralize the strengths of the Croats but also exploit the weak points. The attack of the checkerboard selection is based on his right side with the trio Vrsaljko-Modric-Rebic but it is precisely the strongest flank of the Blues from a defensive point of view with the pair Hernandez-Matuidi. And Mbappé should be to his advantage right, whether against Strinic or Pivaric.

Nor do I see France taking this Croatia high. In the mood, these Blues are perfect since the knockout matches. There is no reason for it to change. It will be a dog finals. So why bet on Croatia? Because she is not favorite. Because she has nothing to lose. Because she's been in a trance since the quarter-finals. Because the bitterness of the taste of the 1998 defeat against the Blues is certainly stronger than that of the tricolor failure against Portugal. Because these Croats are inhabited by an irresistible force. Even for these Blues.

Video – "Croatia 2018 has much in common with Portugal 2016 …"


Ilyes Ramdani: Victory of Croatia (1-2)

Write these few lines crack my heart … but I fear the worst for this World Cup final. Let us agree, before anything else: France is stronger, more complete than Croatia. This is precisely what worries me. During this World Cup, the strongest teams have not always won, far from it. In the two semi-finals, Belgium and England made a good impression before falling against the realism of their opponents. The quality of the Croats in placed attacks makes me fear the worst. Just like their offensive weight. Already, against Belgium, it had taken a big Varane and a bit of success to contain the trident of the Devils. But Pavard had been in big trouble with Hazard.

Finally, on the mental plane, a victory for Croatia would not surprise me. His three penalty shoot-outs gave him extra soul and his major players have a significant experience. The Blues may be irreproachable, being in a position of favorites could set a trap for them. These last days have left floating in the collective imagination the idea that it could not happen anything to the Blues. Think again. If we find this Sunday Croatia who put 3-0 to Argentina and who overthrew England, it could hurt a lot.

Video – Traumatism Thuram, complicated support: how Croatia approaches its final against the Blues


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