Ousmane Tanor Dieng: "I do not want to leave Senegal in the hands of political adventurers"


The Secretary-General of the Socialist Party is on an official tour of Europe where he meets socialist youth to discuss the future of the party and the destiny of the country. During his meeting in Paris with the office of the Movement of Young Socialists of Senegal in Europe (OESM), Ousmane Tanor Dieng told the citizens that he does not want to leave the country and the Ps with anyone.

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Facing young people, Ousmane Tanor Dieng said: "The Senegal does not need a messiah to develop, but a team of selfless patriots, able to understand the strategic issues to implement the actions that will lead to a sustainable development that will allow our children and the future generation to flourish. I do not wish to leave Senegal and the Socialist Party in the hands of political adventurers. Today, I am fighting for those who have twenty (20), thirty (30) years of political career ahead of them and for future generations who must take full advantage of recent discoveries of natural resources. I will not give up, "he says.

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