Ousmane Tanor DIENG tour in France: PRESS RELEASE


"For the future of the party, I bet on the youth" These were the words pronounced by the president of the High Council of Territorial Collectivities Ousmane Tanor DIENG during his meeting in Paris with the office of the Movement of Young Socialists of Senegal in Europe (MJESE). After a fruitful exchange on his official tour of Europe, a presentation on national political life, a debate on the role and place of youth in the PS's strategy and on the future of the party in the coalition BENNO BOKK YAKAAR, the President thanked the movement for all the work done. He also magnified the office for his discipline, his organization and his ambitions. He urged the young socialists of Europe to defend their heritage, to embody Senghorian values ​​and to perpetuate the legacy of the poet-president. In addition, he encouraged the movement to work in unity and pledged, on behalf of the Socialist Party, to help achieve the goals that have been set. After explaining the origin and objectives of the BENNO BOKK YAKAAR coalition, the president debated with the young socialists about the positioning and strategy of the Socialist Party, the bet on the youth and the fragmentation of the Senegalese political landscape. On this last point, he explained the extent to which coalitions played a vital role in maintaining the political and economic stability of the country. This need for stability is even more present with the recent discoveries of natural resources in Senegal. He considered the call for national reflection on the use of income from the exploitation of natural resources as a very positive signal. The Socialist Party wants to preserve the stability of Senegal and this explains its presence in the coalition BENNO BOKK YAKAAR. He does not wish to be the first party to break this alliance, out of loyalty to the nation and out of respect for the word given to President SALL. The movement salutes the integrity, unparalleled simplicity and wisdom of the HCCT President. We reaffirm our unwavering support and our willingness to accompany him in his project for a better Senegal. The Young Socialists of Europe are satisfied with this meeting and are grateful to the Secretary General of their party. Facing young people, President Ousmane Tanor DIENG said: "Senegal does not need a messiah to develop but a team of selfless patriots, able to understand the strategic issues to implement the actions that will lead sustainable development that will allow our children and the future generation to flourish. " He concluded the meeting with these words: "I do not wish to leave Senegal and the Socialist Party in the hands of political adventurers. Today, I am fighting for those who have twenty (20), thirty (30) years of political career ahead of them and for future generations who must take full advantage of recent discoveries of natural resources. I will not give up "For all the young Socialists of Senegal in Europe, the Secretary General of MJESE Selbe Niady DIOUF

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