Paris will host a unique exhibition of treasures from Tutankhamun


Paris will welcome in March 150 works from the tomb of Tutankhamun, more than fifty of which are released for the first time from Egypt, announced Thursday, November 29 the company IGM, organizer of the event.

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The carcophage of Tutankhamun Pharaoh at the Cairo Museum in Egypt.

Photo: AFP / VNA / CVN

"The Treasury of the Pharaoh" will be visible from March 23 to September 15, 2019 at the Grande Halle de la Villette, 52 years after the "exhibition of the century" which had attracted more than 1.2 million visitors in 1967 at the Petit Palais. Paris is the second stage of the exhibition (currently shown in Los Angeles) which should take him to ten cities in total, the list was not disclosed.

"Due to a unique chance for us, the transfer of some of the Cairo Museum's collections from Tahrir Square to the Grand Egyptian Museum of Giza, which is expected to open in four years, a number of remarkable objects of the treasure can exceptionally leave the country to be shown around the worldEgyptologist and academic Dominique Farout, scientific adviser for the exhibition, presented by the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry, this exhibition includes 150 objects – gold jewelry, engravings, sculptures, ritual objects. they will be exposed for the first time outside Egypt.

The intact tomb of the pharaoh was discovered in 1922 by British archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings. "As part of the centenary of the discovery of the tomb, Egypt is making 150 world-tour masterpieces on tour, and we invite you to discover them before they return to Egypt forever", said Mostafa Waziry, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. The financial benefits will support the large museum currently under construction 2.5 km from the Pyramids of Giza, as well as the archaeological sites in Egypt.

In 1967, the exhibition "Tutankhamen and his time", inaugurated by the Minister of Culture André Malraux, was an event, with 45 objects presented. Huge lines had formed to discover the treasures of Pharaoh, which had attracted 1,241,000 visitors. It had been extended for several months. In 1976, another exhibition on Ramses II at the Grand Palais allowed a new exodus from Egypt of the objects of the illustrious tomb. The Louvre, which has an important Egyptian collection, will support the exhibition with the loan of a work and a dedicated course in its rooms.


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