POINT MARKETS-Wall Street receives Fed's messages without enthusiasm (updated)


(Updated with details and comments)

* The clues hesitate before finishing in the red

* The Fed should raise rates in December

* The rest of the adventure seems more blurry

* Place the G20, with trade at the top of the agenda

November 29 (Reuters) – The New York Stock Exchange ended Thursday slightly lower, investors seem hesitant in their interpretation of signals from the Federal Reserve, where a debate could open on the possibility of a pause in the tightening next year.

The record of Fed decision-makers' discussions at their November meeting suggests that a further rate hike in December, which would be the fourth of the year, is almost assured.

For 2019, on the other hand, the situation seems more vague, the Fed even wondering about the relevance of the maintenance, in its next press releases, of the need for "further gradual increases" in the fed funds target.

The Wall Street indexes have turned up after the publication of these "minutes" before falling back into the red, some investors seem to remember that the Fed should raise its rates next month despite the episode of high volatility observed in October on the stock markets

The Dow Jones index finally dropped 27.59 points, or 0.11%, to 25,338.84.

The broader S & P-500 lost 5.99 points (0.22%) to 2,737.80.

The Nasdaq Composite fell by 18.51 points (0.25%) to 7,273.08 points.


Technology stocks (-0.95%) and financials (-0.8%), respectively sensitive to trade tensions, weighed on the trend.

On the side of individual values, Twitter dropped by 4.38% as investors appeared to be concerned about a boycott of the social network by Fox News.

According to Politico, Fox News has not "tweeted" since November 8, after a "tweet" of a group of protesters giving the home address of a star host of the chain, Tucker Carlson.

The boycott of Fox News re-launches the sensitive debate on the markets, the perception by some users of a political bias of the social network against the Conservatives, said analysts.


Weekly jobless claims have risen more than expected in the United States, which could fuel fears of a slowdown in the labor market.

US household consumer spending in October hit its highest in seven months, but underlying price pressures eased, with Fed's preferred inflation measure recording its weakest annual gain since February.


European stock markets finished higher, taking advantage of the prospect of a slowdown in the rate of rate hikes in the United States. The upcoming trade talks between Chinese and Americans have, however, limited risk-taking.

In Paris, the CAC 40 finished up 0.46% to 5.006.25 points. The British Footsie gained 0.74% but the German Dax lost 0.01%, penalized by the decline of Deustsche Bank.

The EuroStoxx 50 index took 0.19%, the FTSEurofirst 300 0.31% and the Stoxx 600 0.2%.

The European equity markets were reassured by remarks on Wednesday by Jerome Powell, the president of the US central bank, which seemed to signal that the Fed was approaching the end of its rate hike, which are now according to him "Just below" a neutral level.


The Fed's "minutes" sent a similar message, allowing the 10-year Treasuries' yield to widen to 3.03%.

"The minutes appear in line with Powell's statements, stating that a rise in December is virtually assured and that a policy review is needed before further rate hikes next year," says Randy Frederick, in a statement. Charles Schwab's trading and derivatives work.


The dollar, on the other hand, barely reacted to the Fed's announcements as the index measured it against a basket of benchmark currencies moving at equilibrium.


Oil prices ended sharply on signals indicating Russia's willingness to reduce production.

The January contract on US light crude (West Texas Intermediate, WTI) gained $ 1.16, or 2.31%, to $ 51.45 a barrel.

Brent of the same maturity took 75 cents (1.28%) to 59.51 dollars.

Russia is increasingly convinced of the need to reduce oil production jointly with OPEC but is still in talks with Saudi Arabia on the timing and volume of such a reduction, two industrial sources told Reuters .

The Russian Energy Ministry on Tuesday reunited leaders of the country's oil groups, ahead of a ministerial meeting between OPEC and its allies in Vienna on 6-7 December.


Friday's agenda is the first day of the G20 Heads of State and Government meeting in Buenos Aires, where preparatory work is stalling over the drafting of a final declaration.

Investors are waiting for developments on trade, with a meeting scheduled Saturday between Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

The US president did nothing on Thursday to clarify the situation, declaring himself on the verge of reaching an agreement with China while saying doubt the value of such an agreement.

Patrick Vignal for French service

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