Politics and the Khalifa Sall affair dominate the Senegalese dailies


"Against the excesses of the regime-The vilipende opposition Macky to dear religious … and will invest the street in early August," writes Vox Populi.

Speaking of fighting against Macky, Walfadjri notes that "the opposition shifts to a higher gear, "and warns that" the July 13 demonstration is only the beginning of a long and bitter struggle. "

In The Daily," The Frn Chases Macky "About Khalifa Sall case and speaks of "a verdict issued by the president."

Meanwhile, at seven months of the presidential election, EnQuête notes "dangerous manipulations" and a "renewed violence in the political discourse".

According to our colleagues, some political leaders use more and more violent speech.

For its part, L'A highlights the words of Macky Sall to his new ally, Modou Diagne Fada: "There is intellectual terrorism in the country. "[196] 59002] South Daily remains at Khalifa Sall's trial with "the Court of Appeal (which) dismisses the defense" on the inadmissibility of the state's constitution as a civil party.

However, EnQuête reveals that "the lawyers of Khalifa Sall return to the charge and demand his release. "

" 5 th day of the Khalifa Sall and Cie-Me Doudou Ndoye's trial appealed to Judge Kandji to save Senegal ", writes Vox Populi

The Observer speaks of the day after the terrorism trial and informs that "Imam Ndao escapes" and "frees himself in Terrou-Bi since his enlargement."

The newspaper explains that put to rest, all expenses paid by his lawyer, he waits a general health check and prepares his declaration.

The visit of the Chinese president (21-22 July 2018) to Senegal occupies the front page of the Sun which indicates: «Dakar, first step of an African tour.


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