Pope Abdoulaye Seck: "Family farms are right to exist" • Rewmi.com


TheAgricultural and Rural Foresight Initiative (IPAR), in partnership with the National Council for Consultation and Rural Cooperation (CNCR), theInstitute Senegalese Agricultural Research (ISRA) and the Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), organizes since yesterday, and until 29 November 2018 in Dakar, an international symposium on the future of family farms.

Researchers, politicians, rural producers and their organizations, development partners and others took part in the Ipar International Symposium on "The Future of Family Farms in West Africa". in a globalized economy. Yesterday, President Papa Abdoulaye Seck, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Equipment, presided over the opening ceremony, saying that family farms have good reasons to exist. "They can make a remarkable and remarkable contribution to achieving sustainable food and nutrition security. Modernized family farms in search of competitiveness and sustainability exist, "he said. Addressing the participants, he suggested: "You will have to dare to change our mentality and preserve, with modernized family farms, the achievement of social and economic progress in our countryside". With regard to agricultural research, Dr. Seck emphasized that it must merit positioning itself as a strategic plan to enable family farms to produce more and better. In the direction of researchers, the latter will say: "Today, if research wants to generate useful and usable results, it must be interdisciplinary, participatory and focused on scientific excellence". As part of the certification of family farms, the Minister of Agriculture has said that we must necessarily have positive discrimination in favor of young people, women and people with disabilities. Because, he continues, they must be able to access the land. To this end, Papa Abdoulaye Seck wished to hold this colloquium every two years.

Thinking about future generations and youth employment

This proposal was applauded by Cheikh Omar Ba, Executive Director of Ipar. "We appreciate it very much, especially since these are appointments to take stock as researchers, but also as policy makers," he said. According to him, meeting every two years will be a time to revisit what has been done and especially that research is driven by demand. This appears to them an important point as far as today is concerned, we must also think of future generations. "We are very touched by the presence of two ministers and this shows the importance that the Government of Senegal brings, as well as the partners who come far. This shows the commitment of all stakeholders to advocate for resilient family farming that can meet the challenges of feeding people and managing employment issues, "concluded Mr. Ba. This international meeting is an opportunity chosen by IPAR for a tribute to Jacques Faye whose ceremony was presided over by Mr. Abdou Latif Coulibaly, Minister of Culture. Recalled to God in 2010, this sociologist from the rural world, former Director of the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research (ISRA), Mr. Faye devoted the last years of his life to the creation and operation of IPAR whose research and the prospective reflection are intended to feed the dialogue and the concertation of the actors on the public policies. The aim of this colloquium is to identify and analyze current developments and challenges facing family farms and rural societies, the responses and the results obtained, as well as the positioning and strategies developed by the various actors. .

Zachari BADJI

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