It was to a very unexpected answer to Abdoulaye Wade's comments on the electoral rolls that we were entitled. The replica itself is not surprising, but the author is of course. It is Pope Samba Mboup who takes the exact opposite of Abdoulaye Wade.
The former head of Cabinet of Abdoulaye Wade indicates in relation to the threats of the former head of State to call to burn the electoral lists, that it will be nothing. Papa Samba Mboup believes that Wade's threats do not hold.
"No one will follow Abdoulaye Wade's call for insurgency to burn electoral lists. And then, "dou def touss" (he will not do anything.) It's unfortunate that a former head of state behaves this way. These are just vain threats. Nobody will follow Wade in his game. Moreover, he runs a big risk, because the Senegalese will say that here is a former head of state who seeks at all costs to tip the country into violence, "said Pope Samba Mboup in the columns of Source
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