Practitioner lists the challenges of modern surgery


Dakar, July 4 (APS) – Responding to the challenges of surgery requires the availability of the necessary products and technical platforms in emergency interventions to avoid loss of life, the professor said on Wednesday. Abdoulaye Samb, assessor of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD).

"The challenge today for surgery is to have the availability of products and technical trays during emergency interventions to avoid loss of life," he said. 19659002]

He spoke at the opening of the 32nd Annual Surgery Days at the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology of UCAD

It is therefore necessary to improve the quality of training for better management of the health of the populations while having a good organization in our medical structures in the management of emergencies, advocated Mr. Samb.

The trauma associated with emergencies and tumors is one of the subjects developed during these days, which will also enable the themes of innovation and pedagogy in surgery to be treated, we learned on the spot. [19659002]

'' The meeting allows us to take stock of the techniques used in surgery but especially to talk about the innovations brought in the sector '' thus explained Professor Samb

'' The most common pathology in surgery is hernia pathology. It affects all segments of the population, young and adult, "said Professor Mamadou Cisse chairman of the scientific committee of the event.

"The good news is that today we no longer need to open the organ to intervene. It is enough to make prostheses and act from outside the body, "he said, for example.

According to him, this form of intervention is a form of sustainable innovation, unlike the old method which deteriorated over time.

The event, which at the same time constitutes the 3rd Joint Days of the Departments of Surgery of Senegal, should end on Thursday. It will be punctuated by communications from local and international experts on selected themes.

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