Premier League – Liverpool: Sadio Managed to an extension?


According to the English press, the Senegalese winger of Liverpool Sadio Mané could extend his contract with the Reds while his current lease runs until 2021.

After Roberto Firmino and Mohamed Salah, Sadio Mané? According to the English press, and in particular the Telegraph and the Guardian Liverpool and his Senegalese winger, author of a great season in the last exercise (44 games all competitions, 20 goals, 9 assists), would have started discussions for an extension of contract. The 26-year-old, already linked to the Reds until 2021, could be on the long term with the residents of Anfield, as did his two friends of attack recently. Arrived in the summer of 2016, Mané was particularly active in the beautiful course of the formation of Jürgen Klopp in the Champions League, which ended in a defeat in the final against Real Madrid (3-1) despite a goal of the former player of Southampton and Metz.

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