President Sall wants the inauguration of the national arena before October


Dakar, July 25 (APS) – The President of the Republic, Macky Sall asks to prepare, with the mobilization of all populations and fans of struggle, the inauguration of "the National Arena" before October 2018. [19659002]

According to the communiqué of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, the head of state asked to "prepare, with the mobilization of all populations and fans of the fight, the inauguration of + the National Arena + before October 2018 "

Macky Sall, at the weekly meeting of the government, congratulated the reception of the keys of the national arena by Chinese President Xi Jinping," a gift from the People's Republic of China for an amount of 32 billion FCFA ", reports the source.

President Sall also praised "the collective and united mobilization during the realization of this work and the good organization of the ceremony of handing over the keys of this + architectural jewel +, emblematic of the narrowness and exemplarity of the Sino-Senegalese cooperation and which constitutes a reference, by its specificity, in Africa and in the world ".

The communiqué noted that the President of the Republic asked the government, in relation with all athletes, especially those involved in the fight, to "reflect on the best management mechanism to ensure the maintenance and the sustainability of this "large-scale infrastructure that contributes to the strengthening of urban facilities in the departments of Pikine and Guédiawaye, to the overall development of sport in Senegal and to the development of youth.

Chinese President Xi Jinping symbolically handed over the keys of the national arena to his Senegalese counterpart Macky Sall in the middle of the morning in Pikine (suburbs of Dakar).

Sports infrastructure costing 32 billion CFA francs was built by the People's Republic of China. It has a capacity of 25 thousand seats and includes various sports halls (martial arts, boxing, weightlifting). There are also recreational areas, federations and clubs, demonstration ramps for wrestlers.

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