Presidential 2019: Robert Bourgi disqualifies Idrissa Seck and …


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"Wade and Macky Sall met" is the information provided by Robert Bourgi in an interview with the daily newspaper l'Observateur. In this interview, he analyzed Senegalese political life with the backdrop of the presidential election of February 2019. This is how he disqualifies Idrissa Seck

Robert Bourgi candidate Idrissa Seck "has no chance to win in the presidential election. He makes a mistake by wanting to rely on relays he has in France to prepare the presidential election deadline. (…) One must know the political reality of Senegal. "

Me Bourgi is for a coalition between Idrissa Seck and Macky Sall. "Idrissa Seck should integrate the political family of the president and bring its strength. He would greatly benefit from his valuable contribution to the success of the policy advocated by President Sall, "he suggests.

" Idrissa Seck is a man of the past and he is in error, "he said. he advises him "to advise him to give up his candidacy because he is going to fail."

"I think they saw each other a few times ago," he says, adding that "the meeting between the two men dates back to the 90th birthday of Mr. Wade. Macky manifested himself, thanks to the affection, the esteem, the respect he has for him. "

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