PRESIDENTIAL – Niasse and Tanor invest Macky: CONGRESS DESPITE – President Sall: "I accept to be the candidate of the Ps"


The Socialist Party invested Macky Sall yesterday at an extraordinary congress. The head of state witnessed this historic decision of Tanor et Cie and especially at the Maison du Parti.

A minute of silence in memory of Jacques Baudin, then, the inaugural congress of the Socialist Party (Ps) can begin. This event left to be sober and simple, precisely to respect the memory of their party mate buried yesterday, ended up being grandiose, very folk with great mobilization. The place is symbolic: the mythical House of the Party, where the former socialist candidates were chosen, receives another. "Macky, with Macky, to death!" Chanted Ousmane Tanor Dieng who invited his comrades to sing this song. Then, Tanor said, "Mr. President, I broke your protocol to get you outside so that you could see all the people who could not access this room, which is the largest in Dakar. It has 4500 to 5000 seats and there are more people outside than in the room. "As to flatter the candidate of Bby, he adds:" Fi nioko moom, You have a positive, praiseworthy balance sheet. "At the place of his comrades, he says: "Our country is an oil and gas country, with our new status at the international level, if we have a candidate geological engineer, who comes from the French Institute of Petroleum, who has experience and expertise, sobriety, talent, this one will not grope if we entrust the country. "
All satisfied, Macky Sall could only acquiesce. "Yes, I accept your nomination as candidate of the Socialist Party. In crossing the threshold of this historic house of Ps, I was seized with a strong emotion, "said the President of the Republic who paid tribute to Presidents Léopold Sédar Senghor and Abdou Diouf. The head of state then incenses Tanor Dieng: "The Secretary General of the Ps is a man imbued with values ​​of the Republic and the Nation, is the worthy and faithful follower of the inheritance. An example of political courage, humility, constancy and fidelity to friendship. We have different political trajectories, different parties, we know at the same time that what unites us and brings us together is above all these differences. Bby is unquestionably an unprecedented experience of our political history. Together we are looking towards the same future of friendship with a clean and uneventful victory in the first round of the presidential election. We have all the capabilities. "

Moustapha Niasse invests Macky and challenges the opposition

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