Press conference Karim-Me Seydou Diagne's lawyers: "Karim Wade is still eligible"


Xalimanews: Karim Wade's lawyers have just held a press conference to build the opinion on the invalidation of Karim Wade's registration on the electoral lists. First, Me Seydou Diagne returns to the electoral provisions with Article L 31 which lists the cases of inequality such as the fine, imprisonment and confiscation.

According to the lawyer the CREI ruled on the demands of the adversaries who wanted the penalties mentioned above to be applied to their client.
He continues on this impulse by declaring that "they had asked more than the prison sentence", he adds "the special prosecutor would have demanded the loss of civil rights Karim Wade but the CREI refused to approve the ineligibility of our client "
In addition, the lawyer returned to the fine of 138 billion, the seizure of his property abroad but he especially denounced the sending of ushers to their home family at Point E, a month ago.
Then he returned to ineligibility, he said: "ineligibility must to be pronounced by a trib unal and there is no provision to prohibit the eligibility of Karim Wade "he recalls before the audience.
Finally, he ends with this pleading in favor of his client" He (Karim) must to compete in the electoral race "and warns the administration" the administration must be neutral "

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