PSG – PSG-Liverpool: UEFA still attacks Paris and could hit hard


PSG-Liverpool: UEFA still attacks Paris and could hit hard

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Wednesday against Liverpool (2-1), Paris Saint-Germain has evolved in front of a Paris hot public hot, who played perfectly his role as twelfth man. But in the next European match, the Parc des Princes could sound hollow. Since the clashes that occurred at the reception in Belgrade in October (6-1), the club of the capital is already under investigation by the Disciplinary Committee of UEFA. At the end of this first instruction, a penalty may fall.

Except that now Paris is even bigger. Because this Thursday, the European body has opened «Disciplinary proceedings against PSG for use of fireworks during the match against Liverpool in the Champions League». According to L'Equipe, the Parisian audience will be held on December 13th. Suffice to say that the PSG is at least in private session, and perhaps even worse if UEFA is as uncompromising as OM and OL, who have already played a game in total in the UEFA Cup. Europe this season …

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