PSG: World players in Tuchel's viewfinder


And if the PSG offered a recruitment of mondialistes? This is certainly the will of the Paris management, which has targeted some headliners of the last World Cup. Thomas Tuchel, the new coach, requires at least three reinforcements: two side and one midfielder. Here are the tracks of PSG

Versatile defensemen

As we revealed last May, the coach is not excited about the current side of the club. The departure of Berchiche, the wound of Dani Alves, the convalescence of Kurzawa and the late return of Thomas Meunier (August 6) favor his plans. If the technician did not mention the profile of a central defender in his press conference after Bayern Munich – PSG (3-1) Saturday in Klagenfurt, this does not prevent him from thinking about it. Tactician at heart, he is very eager to multiply the patterns this year, especially the 3-5-2. If he wants to regularly evolve to three behind, it will take more than the three walls currently in the workforce, with Thiago Silva, Marquinhos and the world champion Kimpembe.

The club has two footballers in the lead, who have advantage of versatility. Antonio Rüdiger the German defender, pleases his compatriot. At age 25, he moves to Chelsea and has four more years of contract. This athletic player, substitute in Russia, has the advantage of playing right axis as left axis but also right back. In the same order, Jan Vertonghen 31 years old, semi-finalist with Belgium, seduces in the capital. Able to evolve in the axis, it also flourishes in the left lane. He still has a year's contract in Tottenham

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The coach does not abandon a track already active last year: Raphael Guerreiro 24 years old, whom Tuchel recruited in Dortmund. The 8th finalist of the World Cup with Portugal comes from the Paris region (Le Blanc-Mesnil), a plus. He knows Tuchel by heart

Experiences background

Besides the track leading to N'Golo Kanté very sexy but especially very complicated, the PSG chooses on Axel Witsel semi-finalist with Belgium as well. At 29, he comes forward with solid international experience. He went to exile in China because he is very greedy in salary. He may have the "personality" dear to Tuchel to replace Thiago Motta. He can play as a sentinel or a defensive midfielder.

His rating is not very high in terms of transfer, which seems a key element for the PSG, watched by financial fair play. When he was playing at the Zenith Saint-Petersburg (2012-2017), his name was already regularly in the news in Paris.

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<p><i> Renato Sanches (left) currently plays at Bayern REUTERS / Lisi Niesner </i></p>
<p> In Klagenfurt, Antero Henrique, the Parisian sports director, also had a long discussion before and after the match with his compatriot <b> Renato Sanches </b> named best youngster of Euro 2016. A new track in perspective? </p>
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