Pyromane act defused at Mme Ndoye's home in Louga


A few hours after his resignation from Mayor NDOYE, did she resign in favor of Mamadou Mamour DIALLO's "Dolli Macky" at the price of her life? The question must be asked in light of the very serious incident that just happened a few hours after the formalization of his act by a press conference held at home.

Indeed, after his address to the press on Thursday, July 26, 2018 in the late afternoon, thugs waited until 3 o'clock in the morning of the next day, crime time, to sprinkle gasoline a corner of his home and set it on fire. The guard who was on guard was quick to alert the family plunged into the arms of Morpheus. Fearing an identification that could have given the trail of arsonists, the attackers were quick to take off.

Woe to them! According to witnesses found on the spot, "the cell phone of one of them fell to the Deputy Mayor, sufficient to help unmask and track down". It should be noted that previously, the meeting with the press should have been held in the premises of CRETEF.
But Mrs. NDOYE, had she had a presentiment that something like this would happen to have finally housed her press conference in her home?

Your site is following this case which, hour after hour, is taking on worrying proportions in public opinion in Louga.
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