Quality of services: DGID launches "My personal space" • Rewmi.com


After the platform etax that allows to declare and pay taxes online, dedicated to taxpayers with a turnover of over 100 million francs, the Directorate General of Taxes and Domains (DGID) will launch a new product called "My personal space."

This is what emerges from a meeting held yesterday with the press. This allows the DGID to maintain its momentum of openness and transparency towards users. Indeed, "My personal space", we learn, is a web platform for permanent exchange between the taxpayer and the services of the General Directorate of Taxes and Domains.

In her presentation, Ms. Ndèye Aissatou Ndao, Director of IT services, recalled that this solution is a technology innovation resulting from the Hackathon held in Dakar, in November 2016, on a joint initiative of the State of Senegal, through the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

According to her, this simplified platform allows each subscribing user to have a "T" account that can be consulted online and that displays debit statements and payments. in credit. This instrument is easy to use, interactive and reliable.

Thus, it specified that the functionalities will allow the user to access all the information of his material tax record, in complete transparency. In the second phase, this application will make it possible to tele-declare and pay taxes.

"The application is currently open to all taxpayers who have an annual turnover of less than 100 million francs CFA. With this new service, the DGID will improve the quality of taxpayers' tax data with a personalized service and follow-up of the requests, "she explained.

Thus, the ultimate goal is to establish a relationship of trust with users, which will be based on transparency. Therefore, the massive use of this tool will make it possible to better consolidate the implementation of tele-procedures at the DGID.

Zachari BADJI

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