Radiation for life, 10 years suspension; referees take on expensive at CAF


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<p> CAF (Confederation of African Football) did not go dead The mainland body has pronounced heavy penalties on its disciplinary commission against numerous arbitrators pinned by the document of the Ghanaian investigative journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas. </p>
<p> The most resounding sanction remains that of Kenyan Marwa Range, written off for life, the latter who gave in to the bribes during the 2018 CHAN was preparing to compete in the World Cup in Russia before the case broke. </p>
<p> Elsewhere, referees Burkinabè, Ivorian, Mauritanian, Malian take between 2 and 6 years of suspension. While Gambian Jallow Ebrima and Togolese Yanissou Bebou receive a 10-year ban on all CAF football-related activities </p>
<p> A total of 11 referees were sanctioned by the CAF </p>
<p> 11 others (10 Ghanaians) and 1 Liberian) are provisionally suspended pending their appearance before the CAF Disciplinary Panel on August 5. </p>
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? MEDIA RELEASE .. pic.twitter.com/Q2fbaXeuA4

– CAF (@CAF_Online) July 7, 2018

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