RCTB, an NGO network aims for better involvement of the people – LACTUACHO.COM


Still on a rising curve since the independence of the country, the national budget, this financial document that traces forecasts of income and expenditure, is like the economic lung of a state. But are the people aware that the majority of these thousand billion CFA francs are coming from or will be repaid by the sweat of their brow? Do the benefits and achievements made by the state match their expectations? Does the monitoring of the execution of the budget faithfully retrace the initial lines drawn?

It is to help answer these questions which directly appeal to the citizens that the Citizen Network for Budget Transparency (RCTB) is mounted in the niche. Created four years ago, and grouping the NGOs Alphadev, Action Solidarity International, Cicodev and Enda Ecopop, it is interested in the process of elaboration, implementation and evaluation of Senegal's national budget

. 'Amadou Kanouté, the Executive Director of the network and his close collaborators, came out of a three-day consultation seminar yesterday to meet the press, not only to share their ambitions, but also to form a strategic partnership with industry professionals. information and communication

In view of the vital role of the Budget, whether communal or national, "To help people to increase their knowledge, to support and improve the practices that go from the elaboration to the execution budget is a necessity, "Kanouté said. Because, according to him, all the actors, managers and beneficiary populations, in the process, are responsible.

The measurement of the targeted results, the transparency of the process to be total, can explain the elements of success and failure of a policy

"Controlling the four stages of the budget process, from development to implementation, through monitoring and reporting, is a priority defined by the Network, to be "In this sense, according to Mamadou Mansour Diagne of Enda Ecopop, a member of the Network, the RCTB's interventions related to budget monitoring, are aimed at strengthening the capacities of the citizens," he added.

stakeholders, the collection, analysis and monitoring and dissemination of information on public investments for the benefit of the population. They will thus be able to better understand the role of the responsible citizen in the collection of taxation.

Their three days of exchanges should, beyond an institutional diagnosis of the network, lead to the definition of the guidelines of their Strategic Plan 2018 -2021, as well as those of the Communication Plan

Amadou Kanouté the Executive Director of the network recalled the important role expected of journalists and media, for more efficiency in this noble initiative. A video didactic to help the average citizen to understand the budget, its processes, its collection and its role, was projected to journalists. His widest sharing is expected.

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