Regional Express Train: Head of State Macky Sall gives his reasons for his


Yesterday, the head of state Macky Sall presided over a national conference of the amenage and the attractiveness of the territorial collectivities. At this meeting, the issue of TER has resurfaced. According to the president, if the TER arrived in the regions including Mbour and Thies, it would have much more impact as suggested by some of its opponents.

The Regional Express Train (Ter) is arguably the most controversial Macky SALL project in his first term. This project has been estimated at about CFAF 568 billion by the State. Figures very questioned by MP Ousmane SONKO who spoke about 800 billion. What had created controversy around this 57 km railway construction project linking the capital to the Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD). According to several economists and politicians, putting so many banknotes for such a small distance was not a priority for Senegal. And the statements of Macky SALL, yesterday at the Abdou Diouf International Conference Center (CICAD), seem to corroborate the criticism of some of his opponents.

According to the President of the Republic set up a modern train that travels at high speeds Dakar at the AIBD does not make sense. "The Ter will be more important when it reaches Thiès and Mbour, but for the moment, it is not necessary to exalt, my commitment is to bring it to the Aibd. A train that travels more than 150 km and is put on a distance of 57 km does not make sense. They will be more important if he arrives at Mbour and Thiès ", he argues.

A statement that confirms the criticism that some people make about the necessity and desirability of the Regional Express Train. This project had already caused problems with the award of contracts. The government of Senegal, which since the arrival of Macky Sall maintains close relations with France, has entrusted the design and implementation of the Engie Group's systems in partnership with that of Thales for a sum of about CFAF 148 billion. In addition, the State of Senegal signed with Alstom another contract for the supply of 15 diesel and electric engines. And according to some, this choice of Macky Sall was to save Alstrom who was going through times of crisis.

And all its investments were not profitable for Senegal according to certain experts. "Some areas of the country do not even have rural roads to carry out activities and contribute to the country's gross domestic product," Louise Cord of the World Bank said. And the statement of Macky Sall, gives reason to its critics.

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