Rejection of the inscription of Karim WADE: discover the Incoherences of the Power


Like a hot potato, Karim Wade was put, with the complicity of the State,

in a private plane of a sovereign government admitted to the United Nations to leave Senegal and serve his sentence in gilded paneling of a Qatari palace. And today that he wants to seek the supreme magistracy, the State opposes his condemnation, tells us walfnet. An inconsistency for a cash cash game? Or haunting the fatal single mandate resulting from a return of the stick?

There are many gray areas in the Karim Wade case. Points of suspension that begin to intrigue on the eve of the presidential election of 2019 which the candidate of the Pds is almost excluded, because of his conviction, it is said. A thesis that pushes minds with meaning to wonder. Because, if one is in the Republic, how to understand this lifting of nut which benefited the son of the former head of state, Abdoulaye Wade, sentenced in the course of the stalking to badly acquired goods after the fall of the Pope of Sopi? Indeed, two years ago, Macky Sall's regime allowed Karim Wade to leave. He took him out of jail, made him a passport, drove him to the airport, escorted by the prison administration to the cut of a private plane chartered by a sovereign government before allowing his takeoff. A maneuver that contrasts well with the decision of the power to reject voter registration

Does the government have to explain how this prisoner is different from others to benefit from all these considerations? What are the clauses of his release? Why Khalifa Sall, who is also convicted, does not have a permit to go to Fez, Morocco, for example? It was made that he could not even join the mosque of the Rebeuss Prison on the day of the Korité. In any case, we have never seen in the history of humanity anyone who comes out of prison, without escaping, to receive such attention. The people therefore need to be explained because all the management of this state affair helps to install the suspicion of deal and feed it as our colleague Mame Birame Wathie maintains in his book "Affaire Karim Wade / Macky Sall: Master Wade's Winning Double Victimization Big Deal? " "The disqualification of the candidate Karim Wade would serve the interests of both sides. President Macky Sall would not have to face the candidate of the Liberals who, discontented, would incite leaders of other formations to boycott the poll. Meanwhile, movements and / or political parties created by officials from the flanks of the Pds will, for some, greatly help the leader of the Apr to exceed the 50% mark in the first round … ", writes our colleague. Everything happens as if the political class is playing us a big social-democratic farce with punches and roses.

Nothing turns in circles in this twitch-comedy, worthy of the boards of the Grand National Theater. A genre that has even turned to vaudeville where actors in the play are far from guessing the outcome of this secret alcove where the "Balance" is deregulated by the one who holds it.

Seyni DIOP

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