Rio Ferdinand hopes Manchester United will recruit Kylian Mbappé


The 2018 World Cup is over since last Sunday, with the victory of the France team as a goal. Young Kylian Mbappé's performances have hit the world. The young 19-year-old, who is under contract at Paris Saint-Germain, was even voted the best young player of this World Cup, succeeding Paul Pogba. Of course with these great performances, the rumors of transfer will only grow around the young PSG striker. Rio Ferdinand returned to a possible transfer of the young Mbappé, at the microphone of the BBC.

"He also has this connection with Pogba, he is the player who will be the podium of the Ballon d'Or in the coming years . Easily. I hope my old club follows him. He also has this connection with Paul Pogba. There is already maturity behind his age "

It is now fashionable to say that Kylian Mbappé will leave the PSG as soon as the summer transfer window. Indeed after his great performances in World Cup, it seems that the "historic clubs" and the supporters of these clubs, can not accept the idea that he plays in the French capital. But unfortunately for them, he will continue well at PSG, he announced it himself . And the club has no reason to sell it, especially with its superb World Cup.

Then Ferdinand is probably right, it would be good for Manchester United to recruit Mbappé. However, there must be a reason: it is impossible for the moment. Even if the Mancunian leaders wanted to make an effort.

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