Robert Bourgi, a predator friend of the Sleeping Lion! By Daouda BA *


Do you remember the man who "stabbed" François Fillon with the history of the costumes – to avenge Sarkozy – on the eve of the presidential elections?

Here again Mr. Bourgi the lawyer who lives of briefcases of the heads of African States, this time on a mission ordered to prepare Senegalese opinion for a possible election hold-up by Macky Sall

How many of our francs were promised to the man who embodies the image dark of the Françafrique ", to the point that it predicts a second mandate to the most unpopular and most incompetent President of the Republic of the political history of our country?

To commit his fixed price, he goes to to treat Idrissa Seck "of man of the past"

Recall that Idrissa Seck, by its achievements (convergence clusters, better growth rate, lower inflation rate, halving the debt of the Senegal …) was the best Pre First Minister of Abdoulaye Wade

Idrissa Seck, to establish a real change, proposes:

  • Once President, he will retire from the presidency of his party, for a better democracy in Senegal;
  • Justice totally independent where the President of the Republic will no longer be president of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary;
  • An opening of the water sector to several operators and an exercise by the State of its total authority so that finally we can drinking, washing … wish;
  • A Higher Council of Education and a revaluation of the status of the teacher;
  • Creation of an application on Smartphone, allowing Senegalese from abroad to renew quickly and easily their papers;
  • Simplification of repatriations and imports of vehicles with as a main criterion, a valid technical visit to the country of departure and to Senegal;
  • Préf Senegalese companies and those in countries where Senegalese from abroad are better treated (example of Gabonese and Algerian nationals in


How can such a man, hope of his people, to be treated with disdain by an old mafia condemned by the French justice?

To the Senegalese to judge it!

* Deputy spokesman of Rewmi

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