Ronaldo at Juventus, the crazy rumor that ignites Italy


The "Gazetta dello Sport" announces in its edition of the day the transfer of the Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid to Juventus Turin.

The "fever", the "dream" and … perhaps the "reality": the insistent rumor of a possible transfer of the Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid to the Juventus of Turin boils the football planet. And shakes the limestone that awaits "CR7" as the messiah.

See also: Cristiano Ronaldo, world champion of vanity

"Juve-CR7" (as Cristiano Ronaldo and his famous No. 7) title on Wednesday the Gazetta dello Sport, the first Italian sports daily, which speaks of a transfer – if it were to happen – to 350 million euros, of which 100 million for Real and 30 million per year for four years for star striker of the "Merengue".

See also: the strange declaration of Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo loved Juventus when he was little

"The tam tam between Italy, Portugal and Spain is party, "writes the journal that talks about a story that started" like a dream, a suggestion, now an idea, to perhaps become a reality ". This scenario involves "one of the two biggest players in the world who, at age 33, is looking for a last contract and perhaps another challenge, Jorge Mendes, his agent with no other in business and communication, and the biggest club on the planet. "

" Zebra Fever ", title Corriere della Sport in reference to the famous white and black striped jersey of Juve, club that has just aligned an impressive series of seven titles of Italian champion in a row

"The rumor hit everyone", from Turin to Lisbon, from Spain to Russia where the World Cup is taking place, the daily transalpine continues.

newspaper sees behind this story the hand of Ronaldo's agent, Jorge Mendes, who wants to keep his player from Madrid "where relations with President Florentino Perez are at least trade union".

For, it's acts of "a history of ambitions, emotions and records", because "CR" is a machine of rec ords and the prospect of challenging himself at 33 to win yet another challenge by offering the Champions League to Juventus "is a challenge that excites Ronaldo."

"It would be a way for him to get back a little more in the history and gain points in this infinite duel that opposes Lionel Messi who, like him, has won several times but in one club, Barcelona. "

And then, there is a reason" more romantic, "continues The emotions experienced in April because "it does not often happen to score a goal and to be applauded by the supporters who are your hosts."

On April 4, Ronaldo had scored an anthology goal at Juventus Stadium – in the quarter-final first leg of the Champions League – which earned him the standing ovation of connoisseurs tifosi Piedmontese.

After the match, the player had confided that he was a fan of the + Old Lady + (Juve) when he was little. A statement that takes on a special meaning three months later.

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