Royal Air Maroc: canceled flights


Ten flights of Royal Air Maroc (RAM) were canceled Friday and others could experience disruption, said the company, plagued by acute social tensions with its pilots. These ten flights involve links between Casablanca (west), which houses the main airport platform of the kingdom, and three countries in Europe (France, Spain, Italy). Four others may experience disturbances, the RAM said. "The company fears the consequences in this period of high attendance, marked by the return of Moroccans from the diaspora, while hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is approaching," told AFP an official of the RAM. [19659002] In an internal memo, the Moroccan Airline Pilots Association, which refutes the term "strike" used by the management, urged its members Wednesday to apply certain "resolutions", with less "flexibility" on the hours of work and the penalties. While negotiations have recently been held to reach an agreement, the boss of the company, Abdelhamid Addou, lamented "the lack of willingness to reach a compromise", denouncing a "bidding claims". The airline pilots are calling for the improvement of working conditions and a revaluation of salaries, now around 150,000 dirhams (13,500 euros) per month, according to the local press. The National Federation of Air Transport, affiliated to the Moroccan Union of Labor (UMT), the largest union in the country, Thursday called on both parties to begin "a constructive dialogue" to "avoid" a scenario similar to that of 2009.

The North African company, 97% owned by the State, had gone through a period of crisis at the time, which pushed it two years later to put in place a social plan to redress a crisis. "critical situation". It returned to balance in 2012, before embarking on a vast development on the African continent. Founded 60 years ago by the Moroccan State following the merger of Air Atlas and Air Maroc, the RAM currently has some 3,220 employees, as well as a fleet of 58 aircraft serving 80 cities

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