Rupture of ARVs in Guinea: panic among patients, health authorities reassure


The 20,000 patients living with HIV / AIDS today do not know where to turn. The supply sites where they refuel in Anti-Viral Anti-Viral (ARV) are empty. And since 1 er last July. Asked by our colleagues of Radio Space this Monday, July 23, the president of their association, said she is worried because this rupture that creates, according to her, panic in the ranks of AIDS patients. (Photo credit:

According to the interlocutor of our colleagues, the crisis began since the 1 er last July. It was on this date that the supply centers began to empty. A period that coincides with the social unrest due to the adjustment of the price of fuel at the pump.

The president of the association of AIDS patients said today is overwhelmed by the phone calls of patients who claim the products. For her, this break can have consequences. If the patients who, according to her, have the habit of taking medicine in time, are not supplied with food, the disease may re-emerge. She therefore calls for the availability of drugs at the center level, so that patients can be supplied on time.

As for Dr. Youssouf Koïta, the Coordinator of the Program of Care and Prevention of People Living with HIV / AIDS, There is apparently no break. It was a short two-week crisis due to the social unrest in the country.

But it is only a distant memory, since according to him, several sites are already refueled. This is the case of the Donka center. He will also specify that for a few days, the agents are on the ground to supply the sites of the interior of the country. He promises to put everything in order to correct the mistakes. Dr. Koïta invites the president of the association of HIV / AIDS patients to provide information to him in case it finds that a center is not supplied.

Recall that this is not the first time that such a situation presents itself to Guinean hospitals. In 2017, the fire of the Central Pharmacy of Guinea created a crisis when the part of the building containing ARVs went up in smoke. But after this fire, MSF and the Ministry of Health took care of the sick.

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