In an interview, reported by Ndarinfo, Samba Ndiobène KA, CEO of the National Society for the Development of Land Use in the Senegal River Delta and the Senegal and Faleme River Valleys (SAED), returned on the State's efforts to boost rice production in the delta and Senegal River valley
To what are the measures taken by the State to significantly improve the production of paddy rice in the valley, Mr. KA noted that a lot of efforts have been made since 2012.
"With the advent of His Excellency the President of the Republic Macky SALL, the actions implemented at the of the River Valley in terms of investment and support have allowed an increase in paddy rice production by 40%, "he said before stating that" these performances never equaled in s the history of irrigated rice cultivation in the Senegal River valley are the result of the political will of a man (the President of the Republic). "
About the prospective vision of President Macky Sall of agricultural development, the Director of SAED stresses that agriculture is a sector that is dear to the heart of the Head of State.
"I think very honestly that all Senegalese have understood that the Head of State, Macky SALL, puts agriculture at the heart of his priorities. The President's forward-looking vision of putting agriculture at the center of the emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), the only reference framework for economic and social policy, is well appreciated by the Senegalese population and development partners, "he said. -Il revealed.
Speaking of rice, Mr. Samba Ndiobène KA reminds that "the objective is to go from a production of the order of 455 000 tons in 2017 to nearly 875 000 tons of paddy in 2020, nearly 590 000 tonnes of white rice, corresponding to about 55% of current national requirements. This production would generate a global turnover which should go from 57 billion in 2017 to more than 109 billion FCFA in 2020. "
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