"Macky accepted us in his room and we removed the beds that were entrusted to the head of the pavilion," recalls Me Souleymane Ndene Ndiaye. The mattresses on the floor, they had put their fan on the door that was brewing the air.
Every day, they worked in this atmosphere. Leyti Ndiaye and Koyta were already trainee lawyers. Macky and Souleymane were still students. "Every night, we went out of their way and we went to Claudel to flirt with the girls," he smiles. Like any student of their age, they liked to go out when it was necessary to party, just to decompress and evacuate the constant stress of revisions. "But during the revisions, we studied anyway," says the former mayor of Guinguineo. That's how his relationship with Macky Sall came together.
When Souleymane was prime minister and Macky Sall in opposition, on one of Jules Ndene's trips to France, he met this girl, Sandra, in Nantes. He called Macky Sall, Me Koyta and Me Leyti Ndiaye to give them the phone. They remembered the beautiful memories of that time. They laughed like kids. In fact, during the inaugural ceremony of the 29th Congress of the International Bar Conference, President Macky Sall was laughed hard when Mr. Leyti Ndiaye declared that "Sandrine's gang was reconstituted".
President Sall invited My Souleymane Ndene Ndiaye, Leyti Ndiaye and Boubacar Koyta to join him in the presidium. Once the gang of four gathered on the presidium, Macky Sall hilarious: "Here is the band Sandrine. Me Leyti Ndiaye was then in charge of explaining the romantic history of the band to Sandrine. But he "stole the film". Laughs … "
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