Scientists want to decode Leonardo da Vinci's DNA from a lock of his hair


When science and history intertwine. Two Italian researchers want to analyze a lock of hair that would have belonged to Leonardo da Vinci. The goal: decode the master's DNA and determine, after several centuries of uncertainty, the exact location of his burial.

They will surely not find there the source of his genius or his talent, but they could well discover there anyway some secrets. Alessandro Vezzosi, Director of the Ideal Museum Leonardo DeVinci, and Agnese Sabato, president of the Leonardo da Vinci Inheritance Foundation, announced in a statement this surprising news: they will analyze the DNA a lock of hair that would have belonged to Leonardo da Vinci.

"To the other side of Atlantic, we have found [dans une collection privée, ndlr] this wick called in History 'The Hair of Leonardo DeVinci. This extraordinary relic will allow us to continue research on the genetics of the artist", enthusiastic researchers.

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Determine the identity of the body

"This is exactly what we needed to make our historical research even stronger from a scientific point of viewsays Agnese Sabato, whose goal is to determine the exact place of burial of the Tuscan master, disappeared on May 2, 1519 in the castle of Clos Lucé in the the Loire Valley. His remains were transported from the chapel of Saint-Florentin to that of Saint-Hubert. But these are just assumptions, and the identity of this remains may not be the one that is lent him.

"We will lead a DNA analysis on this relic and compare it to living descendants Leonardo da Vinci, as well as bones found on the burial sites that have been identified over the centuries", say the scientists.

An exciting announcement, but it must however be taken with caution … since Leonardo DeVinci remained all his life single and never had children. His offspring can not be indirect.

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