Seals at the bar, the prosecutor put a good order in the management of the pieces of justice.


The guru of scientific expertise is called Professor V. Mendes. Many famous puzzles have been tested by his scanning electron microscope. When Bara Sow and Ababacar Diagne were killed on April 22, 2012 in Medinatoul Salam, he had made several samples, including the clothes of alleged murderers. These exhibits were kept in the context of this sensitive criminal case.

Cartons are carefully labeled. With written instructions, the public prosecutor put a good order in the management of all these pieces of justice. A big household that started seven years ago. As a precaution, the elements of the gendarmerie of Mbour had made the judicious decision to "grab wide", to take in their nets many pieces necessary for the investigation. Among the junk room of the Indictment Chamber: weapons, shovels, tools, clothes, clubs and car cushions.

The defendants had to cope with photos of the bodies at the place of exhumation. The few traces of blood that covered the trunk and the back doors of the car of the religious guide, revealed serious clues in the early hours of the investigation.
Wednesday proved to be a most difficult day for those accused of the double murder of Medinatul Salam.
The public prosecutor near the Criminal Chamber of the Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI) has detailed on minutes (PV) the circumstances of the death of the two thiantacounes.

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