Senegal: 30,385 cases of workplace accidents reported in 2016-2017 (Minister)


"In Senegal, the data recorded by the Ministry of the Interior for the 2016-2017 period concerning all types of accidents, show 30 385 cases including 14 560 for the age group 15-35 years . Every year, accidents at work and occupational diseases cause 4% of the world's gross domestic product to be lost, or nearly 3,000 billion dollars in direct and indirect costs, "said Samba Sy.

a round table on "the integration of occupational safety and health in vocational and technical training in Senegal" organized by the Social Security Fund (CSS)

In the opinion of Mr. Sy, accidents at work and occupational diseases have adverse consequences for "the victims, the productivity of enterprises and the costs of social care."

In addition, Samba Sy considered that "insufficient knowledge of the dangers, 'Initiation summary or non-existent to the prevention of occupational hazards, the lack of experience and the precariousness of jobs' are, most often, the cause of accidents at work.

From his own Mamadou Talla, Minister of Vocational Training, Apprenticeship and Handicrafts assured that "the need to preserve the physical and mental integrity of workers and productivity are translated" into the training programs of his department by "modules on health, safety, health and the environment at work."

Concluding his remarks, Talla emphasized employability, which he said "remains a challenge suggesting the respect of norms and standards of the professional exercise in particular the questions of safety and health, essential for the productivity and the economic durability of the whole company.

For its part, Amadou Massar Sarr, vice-president of the Social Commission of the National Council of Senegalese Employers (CNP), asked employers "to integrate occupational safety and health into the overall management of their enterprise e, to have a management system for occupational safety and health in accordance with the guidelines of the International Labor Office (ILO) "

Yacouba Diallo of the International Labor Office (ILO), after having congratulated Senegal on the adoption of a National Occupational Safety and Health Policy, has made the reduction of occupational diseases and occupational accidents a world priority, because, he said, productivity and competitiveness of enterprises. "

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