Senegal faces several challenges to achieve emergence in 2035 (official)


APA-Dakar (Senegal)

Senegal faces a number of challenges, including the accumulation of human capital, increased productivity, improved factors of production, the promotion of equity and gender equality, research and development. innovation and good governance to win the challenge of emergence in 2035, said Monday in Dakar, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning (MEFP), Bassirou Samba Niasse.

Speaking on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Concertation on the second phase of the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), Mr. Niasse stressed the need to move towards sectors that drive growth and export, to increase investment and promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization.

In addition, Bassirou Samba Niasse recalled that the implementation of the PES over the period 2014-2018 has made "real progress and significant in terms of economic and real gross GDP above 6%. "

The national private sector, by the voice of the executive director of the National Union of traders and industrialists of Senegal (UNACOIS-YESSAL), Alla Dieng hopes that the "errors" in the awarding of the PES Phase I contracts will be corrected during these consultations and thus allow local investors to win certain contracts. [1965] 9004] Opened this Monday, these meetings of sharing and exchanges will continue until Thursday, July 26, 2018 with the various categories ies of actors that are: the private sector, the local elected officials, the Universities and Research Centers and Civil Society

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