Senegal-Gambia Bridge: The inauguration is scheduled for January 2019 •


The bridge between Senegal and Gambia is ready. The contractors gave assurances to President Adama Barrow, who was doing a field trip yesterday. This, to see firsthand the progress of the work.

Everything is ready to deliver the book in January 2019, informs the Gambian newspaper The Point, visited by Rewmi Daily. "Work on the foundation, the battery caps and the pillars were completed 100%. The pillars are 93% completed while the bridge planned for November 2018 is 67% completed, "explains the project manager, Lamin Bojang, to the Gambian President.

The 1.8 kilometer long bridge is raised to more than 5 floors. It has been designed to accommodate the passage of most vessels while longer poles can easily be folded to pass under the bridge. Engineers have described it as one of the largest bridges in the sub-region. 57% of the workers on the site are Gambians, 18% of the expatriates and 25% are citizens of ECOWAS

Supposed to put an end to the enclavement of Casamance, the bridge, subregional infrastructure has always been rejected by the Gambian side, Yaya Jammeh in particular

After his election to the highest office approximately one year ago, Gambian President Adama Barrow pledged to support the construction of the planned bridge over the Gambia River for facilitate the movement of populations between the northern and southern regions of Senegal. The African Development Bank (AfDB) financed the construction of this bridge whose work was launched in 2016.


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