Senegal: Soon an antenna of the SAMU in Kaolack (Center)


APA-Dakar (Senegal)

The National Emergency Medical Assistance Service (SAMU) will soon open an office in the Kaolack region (center) to be able to handle, in real time, trauma cases recorded in the area, announced Wednesday evening in Dakar, the head of the department of surgery and surgical specialty of the University Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar, Professor Pape Saliou Diop.

Speaking at the 32nd Annual Surgery Days, Professor Diop explained that this upcoming opening of the Kaolack antenna is part of the decentralization policy of the national SAMU, which recently opened an office in Saint-Laurent. Louis (North).

In addition, he informed that Senegalese surgery is "perfectly" and that the country is "well stocked in surgery".

"Although there is no the necessary number of human resources and it is the same everywhere in the world, we still have what it takes to do "honest surgery" in Senegal, "he argued.

Continuing, he said that cancer is the disease that requires the most surgery in Senegal because of an increasingly westernized way of life. In addition to this disease, traumatic and parietal pathology

The 32nd Annual Surgery Days, organized by the Department of Surgery and Surgical Specialties of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology, are coupled with the third Joint Day of the Departments of Surgery of Senegal: Thiès, Saint-Louis and Ziguinchor

Three Symposiums on "Reception in surgical emergencies", "What's new in surgery? "And" The hernia pathology "are on the program of this meeting which has for theme:" Emergencies, tumors, innovations in surgery and pedagogy in Surgery. "

ARD / te / APA

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