Senegal: the preliminary draft of the law on the CMU presented to deputies


"This bill contains important innovations, namely the recognition of a right to health insurance for all persons residing in Senegal, the definition of a minimum package of services that must be granted conditionally to any resident the territory, control mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness and quality of care, "said Dr Bocar Mamadou Daff, Director of the National Agency for Universal Health Coverage.

To cover the informal and In 2013, in Senegal, the State of Senegal launched universal health coverage, which includes two major axes. It is a mutual health insurance and medical assistance.

According to Dr. Daff, the state pays half of the 7,000 FCFA of registration for each beneficiary who in turn completes the rest. 19659002] Some parliamentarians expressed concern about the non-effectiveness of CMU because of debts due to health facilities

"There is no reason to worry about reimbursement. Of the 13 billion CFA francs that the state owes to the health structures, six have been reimbursed, "reassured Dr. Bocar Daff.

A total of 676 mutual health funds for universal health coverage are located throughout the country. national. These enrolled 42.4% of the target populations.

OKF / te / APA

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