Senegal: widespread grumbling of public media workers


The inter-union SYNPICS-CNTS Radio Broadcasting of Senegal (RTS) lambasted Thursday, at a press conference, the "mismanagement" of Racine Talla, director of the box.

Indeed, the politician and mayor of a locality in the suburbs of Dakar is criticized for grievances relating, inter alia, to his "absenteeism", to the "non-payment of contributions to IMP", to the "flaws" noted in the broadcast of the Cup of the world 2018 and the "lack of contradictory debates" in the programs of the public channel

The General Direction of the RTS did not stay long to give details to the complaints of its unionized agents. As if to procrastinate, she says she has established a "policy of permanent dialogue" based on dialogue in her relations with the inter-union.

This strategy is, according to her, the basis of the "soothing social climate" that prevails in the world. company for more than five years, even though "it considers that the union is in its role to manage the claim and to alert."

Concerning the Senegalese News Agency (APS), the workers ruminate their anger of and have even decided, as a result, to file a strike notice since July 24, they informed yesterday at the end of a General Assembly. Indeed, their wrath is justified by the alarming situation of the dean of news agencies in French-speaking Africa and her "mode of management" which pushes her "today in agony."

The union leader of the Box, the journalist Bamba Kassé, denounces the non-implementation of the instructions of the Head of State, Macky Sall, who had called for the acceleration of the process of modernization of the APS. For him, the technical supervision, apart from two meetings of contact, has so far taken no contact "going in the direction of reducing the suffering of workers."

Finally concerning the national daily Le Soleil, Interunion SYNPICS-STLS-CNTS vehemently takes on the executive director Yakham Mbaye, who, she says, suffers from a "lack of strategic vision."

"Records pile up on her table, waiting for to be treated. (And) today, the company is blocked and the suppliers are worried ", alarmed the reporters of the box, being particularly moved by the fact that their director" ignores the public service of the information, since the reports, files, surveys, these noble genres of journalism, do not interest him. "

This release of journalists from the Sun has found a quick and muscular reply from the DG, former Secretary of State for Communication in the current regime of Macky Sall.

In the columns of '' his '' daily, Libération, Yakham Mbaye denied all accusations made against him, persuaded that his detractors seek to "destabilize" him, while preventing that he is, therefore, on his guard.

He indicates that "those people who (1) attack him are active actors of embezzlement of public funds. (…) These so-called trade unionists must know that they do not shake me and I will go out one by one their shenanigans, "said Yakham Mbaye.

So say that today management in the public media is less prone to problems, especially economic (a fact that most often meet the private press), became an ambivalent analysis.

With this episode, the finding shows that many agents of these public press organs, always considered as permanent defenders of the points of view of the power in place, appear more and more to decry the management of their boxes by directors, most often chosen in political spheres.

Nevertheless, many in the forums (social networks especially) try to assimilate these riots orchestrated by journalists as a sort of bidding war to positively bring the public decision-makers to review their situation, since the context is close to the next presidential election, not to mention that several social spheres are in permanent motion lately.

Nevertheless, a large part of the public continues to demand public service media to him …

That is to say media that will have a real awareness of their journalistic role and that will remain equidistant before the various parties, would it be the state, in the treatment of their programs.

ODL / te / APA

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