She is accused of having mixed sherds of bottle with her husband's "mafé": here is the verdict


IGFM-Coumba Camara is lucky. She was acquitted by the Tribunal, after accusations of attempted murder on her husband.

To understand this case of attempted murder on her husband, we must go back to December 1, 2017, date when Coly Kanouté, A farmer living in the Tenkoto gold village in the Kédougou region, went to the Kedougou gendarmerie brigade to lodge a complaint against his wife, Coumba Camara. A 25-year-old woman with two children, whom he accuses of having tried to poison her.

At her hearing, the husband, Coly Kanouté, declared that on Monday, November 27, as at As usual, on his return from the fields, his wife served him the meal, a mafe. But as soon as he started eating he felt a piece of glass in his mouth. Surprised, he calls his wife, who did not answer. Coly Kanouté takes his courage with both hands and goes to the home of the village chief of Tenkoto Bambo Cissokho to complain.

The village chief makes note the presence of shards of bottle in the meal, after having poured 'water. Picked up and driven in the gendarmerie's premises, Coumba Camara admits having mixed shards of bottle with the meal in order to kill her husband. She explains her gesture by the physical violence that her husband makes her undergo permanently.

Referred to the prosecutor's office, Coumba Camara is charged with the offenses of "attempted murder" and then placed under a warrant of committal. At his first appearance at the bar, Coumba Camara had maintained that he had not made a confession, neither in front of the village chief nor before the gendarmes. But that was not counting with her husband, Coly Kanouté, who maintained his accusations. The village chief of Tenkoto, heard as a witness by the examining magistrate, confirmed that by pouring water at the meal, it was easy to notice the presence of shards of bottles or broken glass.

the bar of the criminal chamber of Tambacounda this Saturday, July 28, the accused denied having broken glass in the meal of her husband, even if she admits having prepared and served "mafe" to her husband. Her husband, Coly Kanoute, maintained his charges in the Criminal Chamber. But in the absence of evidence, Coumba Camara was acquitted.

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