Sheikh Hadjibou Soumaré: "My candidacy is the expression of my patriotic commitment"


 Cheikh Adjibou Soumaré "title =" Cheikh Adjibou Soumaré "/> 
<figcaption class= Cheikh Adjibou Soumaré Presented as" Mr. Zero fault ", as one who embodies the model of Senegalese values, like the one who Shaykh Hadjibou Souamre made his nomination for the next presidential election in the Grand Theater as an egg, and declared that his candidacy was nothing but the expression of his patriotic commitment

"There are times in a country where no one can remain indifferent, especially since I am convinced that Senegal is at a turning point. national and I see difficulties that many families, I see the decline of democracy, justice to orders, … I hear the anger of students, the lament of the workers, our diploma omacy that loses its influence, policies that can not solve the basic needs of Senegalese, "he said at the outset. A remark that seems, moreover, to motivate his political commitment.

Does he consider in the wake, "it is urgent to act because we are faced with the absolute urgency". Not without expressing his optimism to build another Senegal with our values, our habits and customs. "I am optimistic because Senegalese people inside and outside the country are ready to serve our country so that state power can be exercised by the people and for the people. That is why I am a candidate for the presidency of the Republic, "said Sheikh Hadjibou Soumaré in a room of the Grand Théâtre n'jesse

And to continue:" I commit myself with humility, with modesty but with determination because my candidacy is the expression of my patriotic commitment. I want to lead this dynamic of change … I am committed to a Senegal of dignity and hope where the Senegalese can eat their fill; a prosperous Senegal where the fruits of our economy benefit all citizens. I am committed to the employment of young people, for the restoration of our values, for the protection of Senegalese living abroad … "

That is why, he calls on the people of" Assisards "to reconsider the conclusions of the National Conference and calls on civil servants to depoliticize the Senegalese administration.

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