Sheikh Hadjibou Soumaré writes to Macky and the international community: "The time is serious …"


XALIMANEWS: In a letter to Macky Sall, other heads of state of Uemoa and the international community, former prime minister Cheikh Hadjibou Soumaré, presidential candidate and rejected by the sponsorship pulls the bell alarm. Below is the full correspondence.
"On this day of January 7, 2019, on the eve of the presidential elections, I allow myself, in view of the gravity of the situation, to send you this letter as a testimony of the dark moments in the history of Our country. the President of the Republic, Macky Sall, by his actions, will bequeath to future generations. The time is so serious that every Senegalese, regardless of his position in the state apparatus, as a judicial, administrative, military, paramilitary or ordinary citizen, must be aware that by his position he is writing the history pages of a Senegal of stability or instability, whose sole responsibility will be those who have failed to take their responsibility. The people have never been so deep in extreme poverty, in an environment of mismanagement, corruption and corruption as the country has never known.

President Mamadou Dia said, "we have rights and duties, the rights we can decide not to exercise them, but the duties we can not escape". It is my own words that I decided to exercise not only my rights, but also my duties as a citizen, deeply loving his country. I had abstained, since my release from July 22, 2018, to the big theater, to participate in the media coverage of the grievances against the power, each of which was well documented by others and who held the obvious . I thought that, in responsible men, those who exercise power would have given the opportunity to all Senegalese who wish, to talk about their country through social projects that would be arbitrated by the free choice of citizens. But through cunning, scheming, shameless cheating, power remained deaf to the call of citizens, as well as the "silence" of others who were waiting for a real democrat posture through irreproachable management of the electoral process. We are citizens of the world, Senegal is part of the free world, we want for our country what every patriot wants for his own. We want for our children what the others want for theirs and not this unbearable spectacle of the Mediterranean crossings, which puts us in the bosom of the plague victims, in this Europe of the universal declaration of the rights of the man.

Unfortunately for some time, by the tinkering of the Constitution and the electoral law, the power without serious consultation with the political actors, has made a forcing to impose its sponsorship to actors yet acquired sponsorship with rules that would be clear and impartial for all. I want as proof, the distressing spectacle in the National Assembly, when considering a law as important as that on sponsorship, passed without debate by the only presidential majority. This forlornness in the preparation of these elections, was possible only through foreign and Senegalese cabinets, with the complicity of zealous officials who would be solely responsible for such a crime against the Senegalese people. No political actor, no referee of the elections, no representative of the civil society can not attest today on the honor, of the reliability of the electoral file.

All this was done with the guilty silence of some friends in Senegal to the detriment of a people thirsty for a virtuous management of their property, the equality of luck between their children, to trace their own way in the concert of by being anchored in its ancestral values ​​of honor, dignity, respect for the word given and democracy. That is why, in these difficult moments in the history of Senegal, I want to be in the camp of those who have taken responsibility for the drift of a power that has become limitless, to defend the interests of a youth in disarray, of families who continue to impoverish themselves, of civil servants won by the extreme politicization of our administration whose ranks are no longer earned on merit, of a trapped justice, of a representation of the heckled people, of a civil society used by some as a springboard for access to power, a rural world in agony left to itself.

As former Prime Minister, former President of the Commission of UEMOA, I know what the implementation of the practice of unit costs in the public order, as in the case of the Ocde, would have spared to our country. The consequence is today the overcharging often denounced and that led us to this need to fill large cash deficits.

I also know that large sections of the parapublic sector are now being used to maintain a political clientelism erected in order, which has become the receptacle for all deficits. The people of Senegal have the right to demand the holding of elections on time according to the Constitution. The Senegalese people have the right to demand free and transparent elections organized by people above any suspicion of collusion. The Senegalese people also have the right to demand from the power, the non-use of force against him, when he will have to defend firmly his most basic rights.

The Senegalese people are entitled to demand from the international community not compassion or help, but to be the guardian of the rule of law by their side, faced with a power that does not want to take into account entrusts its legitimate aspirations as a free people, proud of who they are and master of their destiny. Senegal has always been a standing nation, it will remain so by the mobilization of all its children against all authoritarian drifts. I appeal again to the responsibility of power, especially to the one who embodies him at the highest level, the President of the Republic, to pull himself together while there is still time. I appeal to the responsibility of the arbitrators of this election, to choose the way of the people, that of the truth. I appeal to the responsibility of the international community, of all the friends of Senegal to act here and now, instead of going to the bedside of Senegal when some will finish writing the dark pages of our history and that the People will take responsibility for defending their most precious possessions, Democracy and the Republic. I appeal to the responsibility of our youth, telling them that the greatest battles were won by non-violence, and the most illustrative example was that of Madiba, Nelson Mandela, a great African, steeped in its values ​​and remains a reference and a pride for all Africa.
Cheikhe Hajibou Soumare Candidate for the 2019 Presidential Election

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