SOS for the talented Malian animator and producer, Zoumana Yoro Traoré bedridden in France • * Mali


Mohamadou Ouedrago, producer of shows and director of '' Bajuruproduction '' has launched an SOS to help a former musical producer of the ORTM who is currently ill in France. It is Zoumana Yoro Traoré, who is not present anymore and currently resides in France where he is weakened by an illness. The announcement was made through a press briefing by Mahamadou Ouedrago, Zoumana Yoro's longtime friend. It was Tuesday at the Palace of Culture Amadou Hampaté Ba in the presence of members of the Union of Artists' Associations producers and publishers of Mali.

Zoumana Yoro since it is about him, is no longer a man to present in the cultural and media world of Mali. Because he is considered one of the most talented animators and producers that the ORTM has experienced in the last 20 years in Mali. Entered in 1975 at the ORTM, Zoumana Yoro was not only a mere host, but rather a television star known through the television programs he initiated and he animated with fervor.

Many people do not know it, but it is important to remember that he is the initiator of the music and cultural programs most followed today on the ORTM. Among his programs, we can cite: the Stars of Mali or Top-Stars, Sambé-Sambé, Niaga, the Artist and his music, Sumu, Frequence Point, … Emissions still very much watched by the Malian public and the diaspora. All things that made Zoumna Yoro, a reference TV host in Mali.

Thanks to him, his accompaniment, his advice, his programs and animations, the dream of a whole generation of artists has been transformed into reality and their talents recognized beyond the borders of Mali.

Since 2002, Zoumana Yoro has settled in France leaving a big gap on national television, but also in the world of artists, producers, publishers, Malian musicians of which he is a part. That is why, many of them plead for his return to Mali.

According to the speaker, Mr. Ouédrago, the problem is not the fact that he lives in France, but the fact that he is very sick and bedridden today. He says he was touched to see this baobab of the world of Malian culture sleep in a nursing home in Paris, in destitution, without any support.

"The poor living conditions of Zoumana Yoro should leave no malian indifferent especially for those who know the important role he has played in the promotion of Malian culture in general. That's why, as a show producer who has benefited from his decorum and support, I decided to make a heartfelt cry for people of good will to help him while he is still possible. I do this, not only for his good, for the good of his family, but also for the good of the Malians, because I think it is still useful for Mali. Clearly, Zoumana Yoro needs help today », explained the speaker in substance.

The speaker specifically addressed his heartfelt cry to the President of the Republic Ibrahim Boubacar Keita; General Moussa Traoré, former head of state; and the singers Kandia Kouyaté and Babani Koné to mobilize to help Zoumana Yoro Traoré who has faithfully served Mali and who has never received a single medal of decoration.

"Many personalities and artists have repeatedly proposed to return to Mali, without success. He refuses to return to Mali until certain provisions or guarantees are taken beforehand. The ideal place of Zoumana is today in Mali, but for us, whether he accepts to return to the fold or that he stays in France, the most important is that he be rescued ", hammered the speaker.

People who wish to make a gesture, can contact Mahamadou Ouedrago of '' Bajuruproduction '' or with the office of of the Union of Artists' Associations of Producers and Publishers of Mali whose headquarters are at the Palace of Culture Amadou Hapaté Ba. Contact: (+ 223) 66 72 28 68.

Abou Berthé


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