State calls for accountability of actors – LACTUACHO.COM


The Minister of Commerce Alioune Sarr on Friday called in Dakar Senegalese trade actors to show responsibility and avoid any xenophobic stance in the controversy surrounding the installation in Senegal of the French distributor Auchan
Senegalese traders have been demanding for some time the departure of the Auchan group, believing that its presence represents a major obstacle to the economic development of their business.

In reaction, the State of Senegal announced a project of decree for the regulation of the distribution of Senegal, in collaboration with all the actors of the commercial sector

In front of the controversy, the Minister of Commerce, Alioune Sarr had to go up to the crenel to appeal to a position of wisdom. 19659003] "We must have a peaceful strategy. This is our country, it is the Senegalese who go to supermarkets and make small businesses. We must avoid confrontation and any talk that may look like xenophobia, "he advised during his meeting with the Consumers Association of Senegal (ASCOSEN).

The Senegalese is not xenophobic, said the Minister of Commerce from the outset, adding: "We have values, and a country is structured by values. Public women and men must embody these values, "he said.

The Minister of Commerce recalled that every year, Senegalese in the diaspora send billions of CFA francs to the country. Yet, they live and work in foreign countries, "said Alioune Sarr, who suggests thinking of them" when we talk to foreigners here. "

" That's the responsibility. Populism and political demagogy must not push us to adopt such acts. I appeal to the responsibility on both sides, "he said.

He also praised the attitude of the Consumers Association of Senegal, which he said had" 'a position of wisdom, a responsible and balanced position' "

" We are going to regulate mass distribution and local commerce so that everyone, in their place, cohabits for the country's interest ", a- he promised, recalling that Senegal is in a national competition, regional and world, which must be supported by all.


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