State resources are increasing … Money is coming back!


The resources and grants mobilized by the State of Senegal experienced a moderate increase of 2.4% year-on-year at the end of May 2018 compared to the same period of 2017, according to the data established by the Direction de the forecast and economic studies (DPEE).

These resources are valued at 869.9 billion FCFA against 849.4 billion FCFA at the end of May 2017, an increase of 20.5 billion FCFA (1 FCFA equals 0, 0017 dollars.]

They consist mainly of budgetary revenues (781.9 billion), grants (75.6 billion) and resources of the support fund for the energy sector (FSE) for 12.4 billion

According to the DPEE, the increase in resources is to be linked with "the respective increases in donations (plus 16.4 billion), ESF resources (plus 3.4 billion) and, to a lesser extent, budgetary revenues. (plus 0.7 billion) "

The slow growth of the latter is attributable to the non-tax component (minus 37 billion), in relation to the dividends expected from the national telecommunications company (SONATEL) that were not recovered in May 2018, unlike the same time of the year 2017

For their part, tax revenues increased by 37.7 billion over the first five months of 2018 to 755.3 billion, driven by indirect taxes excluding FSIPP (import security fund). petroleum products) up 9.2% and registration duties (plus 30%).

The increase in indirect taxes excluding FSIPP is mainly supported by customs cordon recoveries (plus 10.3%) and by domestic non-oil VAT (plus 12.3%).

Registration fees are, for their part, estimated at CFAF 30.8 billion at the end of May 2018, rising by CFAF 7.6 billion over one year. .

The Growing Direction of Budget Revenue However, this was tempered by the respective recoveries of direct taxes, domestic petroleum VAT and the FSIPP, which fell by $ 3.7 billion, $ 6.1 billion and $ 4.9 billion.

direct ($ 256.8 billion), the decrease is mainly attributable to corporation tax (minus $ 15.1 billion) and income tax on securities (minus $ 5.8 billion).

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