Steve Job had anticipated the success of applications


It is hard to imagine today, the world without applications. Just take a look at our smartphones to discover them by tens covering all our needs or almost. Yet who could have predicted this 10 years ago? No one. Finally almost nobody … We can still consider that Steve Jobs had some prescience.

An interview at the beginnings of mobile applications

This is what emerges from an interview broadcast by Wall Steet Journal with The Information . It's an interview of the genius of Apple that dates from August 2008. It comes out of the boxes on the occasion of the 10 years of the App Store. The opportunity to measure the evolution of the phenomenon but also the vision that already had Steve Jobs.

At the time of the interview, the App Store has just celebrated its first month. And the first comparison that comes to Steve Jobs is with iTunes . "'App Store is to the iPhone what iTunes is for the iPod. Just as with the iPod, which we have improved through an Internet service to bring content, we will do the same with the iPhone. We are improving it with an Internet service to install content directly on the phone. Since we are already bringing music content to the phone via iTunes, we will now bring applications. "

We did not expect it to become so big.

Where we catch ourselves smiling, it's on the numbers side. At the time, he was proud to have 50 new apps a day. Although he hoped for the financial aspect, he was far from the accounts. His goal at the time? A $ 1 billion market. It's $ 100 billion that has already been paid to developers.

"We did not expect it to get that big. The mobile industry has never seen anything like it. To be honest, the computer industry does not have either. [rires] 60 million applications downloaded in the first 30 days. A third of the downloads on iTunes during the last 30 days, it exploded the charts.

For the story, at the time, he had on his iPhone: Yelp, the application of New York Time, Bloomberg or … sudoku …

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