Stories appear on YouTube


Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp or even … LinkedIn, all social platforms adopt the Stories. In testing for over a year at YouTube, these ephemeral content begin to appear in French users. Some content creators can try the "YouTube Stories" preview.

Contents that perish after 7 days

A Story can usually be viewed for a 24-hour period, YouTube's can last for 24 hours up to 7 days. An amazing choice that probably aims to encourage YouTubers to publish better content than other social networks.

There are two ways to access Stories on YouTube. You can go to the home page of the application to find a list of content from people that we do not necessarily follow. The goal here is to discover new channels. It is also possible to see only the Account Stories that we follow in the "Subscriptions" tab.

The service appears to be in progress and has not appeared in each of our tests. We imagine that it will become widespread in the coming days.

Stories … what for?

Who can make stories on YouTube? A priori, this privilege is reserved for the most important accounts, those who benefit from the functions of "Community". In other words, do not expect to tell your life about Google's video service, these Stories are intended to help the stars of the platform to communicate with their fans, and in the process away from competing services . We can expect to find a lot of videos of making of or why not question / answer sessions. A good idea ?

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