Success of Senegalese diplomacy: Sidiki Kaba rejoices


After their arrests, the deputies were treated to a 40-minute speech by Foreign Minister Sidiki Kaba. He devoted a large chapter to Senegal's role on the world stage. In a loud voice, with a strong gesture, the head of the Senegalese delegation welcomed the "influence of Senegal" in the concert of Nations. "We always had the gray matter. And today, we have oil. When we use it, it will benefit the Senegalese. It will not be a curse, we will manage it. It's a certainty, "he plans.
The authority has also dwelt on relations between Senegal and neighboring countries. Sidiki Kaba talks about neighborhood diplomacy: "From Abdou Diouf to Macky Sall, to Abdoulaye Wade, each President had to face the challenges of his time. Our relationship with our neighbors is the seatbelt around us. We are in the same cultural, linguistic and religious space. The bridge erected between Senegal and Gambia by the head of state is a symbol of fraternity and solidarity. It will put an end to the geographical discontinuity. "
For him, the success of Senegalese diplomacy is characterized by the representation of Senegal in the United Nations Council and participation in the Cooperation Forum between China and Africa. A $ 60 billion project. He finished his demonstration by announcing a trip with the Prime Minister to New York. "On December 10, the United States will reward the good economic performance of Senegal, democracy and respect for human rights by an envelope of 600 million dollars (351 billion CFA francs). This country is credible. He has the confidence of the great nations. "

The budget is up slightly
The National Assembly voted yesterday the draft budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese from outside. In 2019, Sidiki Kaba's services will roll out their programs with an envelope of 61 billion CFA francs 444,000 and CFA 250,000, an increase of CFAF 226 million, 708,000 and CFAF 690 in absolute value and 0.37% in relative value.

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