Tarnishment of the Gambia River in Kedougou: the "Alert" Association sounds the alarm – VivAfrik


Is an ecological bomb falling down the people living along the Gambia River? Indeed, the members of the association "Alert" based in Kedougou faced this Thursday, July 19, 2018 to the press in Dakar to sound the alarm of the mines that are degrading the environment in Kedougou . Notably the Gambia River which dried up because of the abusive mining in the region.

According to Oudy Diallo, president of the association "Alert Environment" of Kédougou, there are more than 50 exploitation permits in the region with one company operating and another operating. Several dozens have an alluvial and eluvial gold mining order, as well as gold panning. These farms constitute, he says, an enormous ecological damage with the contamination of the soils formerly intended for agriculture and breeding.

Some companies are in the bed of the river Gambia or Faleme like this company of the Chinese who have gone as far as dredging the Gambia River dividing it in two to the point that the water does not flow upstream.

In addition some companies have returned to the National Park Niokolo Koba is Unesco Heritage in Danger [19659002ThepeopleofKedougouareverydependentontheirenvironmentforlivelihoodsaswellasforfoodandwaterOntheeconomiclevelthepopulationsdonotmeetagain

Moctar FICOU / VivAfrik

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